If you wish to switch your home phone service to Post Office home phone ; it is very simple and convenient. If you already have a phone line service, there with be no interruption to that line. Moreover, there will be no changes in the phone number. You will also have the same access to the emergency numbers, operator and the caller ID. At the local telephone exchange, the switch will be carried out. So there is no need for an engineer to visit your house.
The Post Office will send a message across the existing phone provider that in future the billing of the line rental and line services will be managed by Post office. You don’t have to be worried if you don’t have a phone line or if you are a cable customer. The post office officials will arrange for a cable line. You just need to pay the necessary fees or tariffs. If you opt for Post office phone service, then you can pay the monthly bills over the phone, by direct debit, or visiting the post office branch and pay the price in the method that suits you. With Post Office home phone, you don’t have a fixed contract. So, you are free to discontinue the services whenever you want.
However, there are some terms and conditions that you need to look into before the disconnection. You just have to inform the Post Office at least two months in advance. You can give the intimation over the phone or your can visit the post office and give the request in writing. The post office has competitive call rates and a range of features of the home phone packages. You may also compare the prices of the other companies online and compare it with the post office home phone price.
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Post Office home phone online
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post office home phone,
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post office home phone UK